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Everything seems impossible until you do it.

We set up plastic collection and recycling centres in Africa, a continent that has become the dumping ground of Western countries and where disposal is practically non-existent. Ninety per cent of the rubbish is left on the streets and burnt, a practice that generates poisonous substances for people and the environment. In our centres we give priority to female employment, as women play a central role in the community and its well-being. In addition, we develop environmental education practices to raise public awareness on the defence and respect of the territory.

Main areas of intervention


Respect for the planet is our priority, which is embodied in social enterprises for the collection and recycling of plastic, aluminum and paper in developing African countries: Ethiopia, Ghana and Uganda. Projects with a high social, environmental and economic impact, which improve the quality of life of communities and become best practices of innovative circular economy.


Discover all our Environment Projects >>>



We educate and educate the young generations so that they can grow up responsible and aware, so as to become the protagonists of their own future. It is only thanks to education and awareness programs, carried out at all school levels, from nursery to university, that we create awareness in children and young people all over the world, from Africa to Europe


Discover all our Education Projects >>>


Access to healthcare is a right that, unfortunately, does not apply to the entire world. In Africa, being able to go to a doctor, having a clinic nearby, is often a mirage. For this reason, we develop prevention campaigns and health points where you can go for free. In addition, we offer pediatric screenings for children and school students.


Discover all our health Projects >>>


Other areas of intervention

Volunteering camps

Having an experience of service to others in Africa is something that remains imprinted in everyone's heart and leaves a whirlwind of emotions and unforgettable memories.


The campuses, held in the past in Ghana and Kenya, have improved the participants' approach to life, creating strong, serene and fully shared moments.


their organization depends on the number of participants

Sustainable Agriculture

In Senegal we concluded the sustainable agriculture and egg-laying hens breeding project that we started three years ago: we started a social enterprise, trained local staff and, finally, donated the business to the community that is continuing the work.

This project was the prompt response to the food problem in Senegal, aggravated by the consequences of the latest pandemic.

Humanitarian emergencies

The defense of fundamental rights is a priority and when they are trampled by violence, war, famine and social unrest, we intervene quickly and seriously, as happened in August 2021 in Afghanistan when we rescued 50 people.

Thanks to humanitarian and diplomatic action, we are able to quickly relate to Italian and international institutions, acting concretely in the ongoing emergency.

SWISS: Via Calprino 18, 6900 Paradiso

+41 91 985 2750 


THAT - 471. 271. 649

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